WW2 Commando Association (Victoria)
The WW2 Commando Association (Victoria) was established in April 1946, by WW2 Independent Companies and WW2 Commando Cavalry Squadron members residing in Victoria, with other State and Territory Associations also beginning around this time. The first Victorian office bearers were K. Mackenzie (president), Mick Sheehan (secretary) and Lloyd Jelbart (treasurer). The Association also embraced members of M and Z units.

Post WW2 Military Background to Formation of Current Association
Almost ten years after the WW2 Commando units were demobilised, two CMF (now ARes) Commando Companies were raised in the cold war atmosphere of 1955:
1 Commando Company in Sydney and 2 Commando Company in Melbourne, both with a nucleus of former WW2 Commandos and Korean War veterans.

2 Commando Association
The inaugural meeting of 2 Commando Association was held on the 30th of March 1983 at the instigation of Roman Stuczynski, who had long seen the value of such an organisation. Roman's vision, that he worked tirelessly to bring about, was to give past and present members of 2 Commando Company a traditional base from which to foster and perpetuate ties of comradeship amongst past and serving members of Australian Commando and Special Force units.

1st Commando Regiment Association Victoria Inc.
Following the earlier formation of the 1st Commando Regiment, with its HQ based in Sydney, a meeting of 2 Commando Association in December 2005 voted that it become the 1st Commando Regiment Association – Victoria Incorporated. This special general meeting was held at the Naval and Military Club on Saturday 10 December 2005.

Australian Commando Association Victoria Inc.
Following the formation of the Australian Commando Association as a national body in December 2011 representing all state and territory branches, a special general meeting of the 1st Commando Regiment Association Victoria was held at the Box Hill RSL on Saturday 3 December 2011. Thirty Members attended and twenty members sent apologies.